Greg Dunn par My Big Geneva

In the realm of art that transcends boundaries, Greg Dunn emerges as a luminary whose work captivates and inspires. With his breathtaking creations that seamlessly blend science and art, Dunn takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the intricate wonders of the human brain and the cosmos beyond. Join me as we delve into the fascinating world of this remarkable artist.


Greg Dunn’s background in neuroscience infuses his artistic endeavors with a profound understanding of the complexities of the human brain. Utilizing techniques such as microscopy and neural imaging, Dunn masterfully captures the essence of neural networks in his paintings. Each piece serves as a visual symphony, showcasing the intricate dance of neurons and synapses that underpin our thoughts and emotions.

Yet, Dunn’s artistic vision extends far beyond the confines of the human mind. Drawing inspiration from the cosmos, he effortlessly intertwines neural patterns with celestial motifs, creating works of art that evoke a sense of awe and wonder. Through his unique blend of science and artistry, Dunn invites us to contemplate the interconnectedness of all things, from the microcosm of the mind to the vast expanse of the universe.


In your opinion, how much do we know about the brain in terms of %?

At most 1%. Many bricks have been put into the wall of our understanding, but the deeper questions about the brain remain difficult to answer. It will be many decades before our understanding of the deepest functions of the brain are well understood.


As a neuroscientist, what does intelligence mean to you?

Intelligence can mean a large number of things from a neural perspective. There are many ways in which the brain can express intelligence, be it learning quickly, storing information efficiently, “crosstalking” creatively between different knowledge bases, being able to focus attention particularly well, etc etc. Each of these traits can be underwritten by the actions of even single molecular variants of important brain proteins, or by the complex interaction of thousands of genes stimulated in specific ways by an individual’s unique environment.


Damasio thought that René Descartes was wrong to separate the mind and the body. As an artist-neuroscientist, don’t you think you are driven by your emotions to be able to create your works of art?

Emotions most certainly drive a portion of the desire to create. I think that it is somewhat similar to the same types of drives we have to spread our genes and our ideas, that it is an innate part of ourselves. However, saying that our drive to create is only driven by our emotions I believe is a fallacy similar to the idea of attempting to separate the mind and the body. We use both our intellect and emotions to create art, just as we use scientific and artistic approaches to do so. Really to make any absolutist statements here I don’t think would be appropriate given the massive diversity of reasons that people create art, and I can’t possibly speak for everybody.


What sets Dunn apart is not only his technical mastery but also his ability to evoke profound emotional responses through his art. Each painting is imbued with a sense of wonder and reverence for the mysteries of existence, inviting viewers to explore the depths of our consciousness and imagination.

In addition to his visual art, Dunn is also a passionate advocate for science communication. Through his engaging and accessible presentations, he seeks to demystify complex scientific concepts and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

Whether you’re a connoisseur of art, a lover of science, or simply someone who appreciates beauty in all its forms, Greg Dunn’s work offers something truly extraordinary. It reminds us of the boundless potential of human creativity and the profound interconnectedness of all things in the universe. So, let us embark on this journey of discovery together and immerse ourselves in the breathtaking artistry of Greg Dunn.


© Self Reflected, Greg Dunn
© Midbrain, Greg Dunn
© Self Reflected, Greg Dunn